Dear Members,
There is some light at the end of the tunnel with restrictions slowly lifting.
We have maintained regular contact with Manningham city council and lobbied for the opportunity to resume training at Tom Kelly Track. Their most recent response is that current State Government restrictions do not allow them to reopen facilities to sporting clubs for training. This is consistent across all sports in Manningham.
We can announce however, the Council have taken the decision to open Tom Kelly to the public from tomorrow morning, Friday 15/5/2020.
What does this mean for DAC?
It means that you can train at Tom Kelly at any time as long as you adhere to the current, well known, guidelines around social distancing etc.
In addition to these guidelines is added the advice that runners avoid running in the slipstream of other runners.
DAC does not have any rights at the track at this time and club operations still remain closed until further notice, meaning;
• No organised squad training under coaches.
• No access to club sheds, gym or equipment.
• No use of Pole vault or high jump mats, or covered Long Jump pits.
• No throws training.
• Gates to remain closed on lanes 1 and 2.
• No lights.
• No access to pavilion. (Outside toilets are open)
Obviously, this is only a small step forward, and for some, not a very helpful one, but it does represent the beginning of the return to the sport we all love.
Please contact us if you have any queries. Return email is best, or speak to a committee member.
Campbell McLennan (DAC President) 0414533677
Darryl Kilmartin (DAC Secretary) 0433075400
Andy Parrott (Council liaison officer) 0401673245
Kind regards,
DAC Committee.