2014/15 Shield Round 3 – Collingwood Athletics Track

A lot had changed since the last competition at Collingwood Athletics Track well over a decade ago; mainly the introduction of a synthetic surface which is renowned for its hardness; aiding sprinters with very quick times. Kevin Rassool and Chris Tetaz utilized the...

2014/15 Shield Round 2 – Tom Kelly Athletics Track

A hot Sunday afternoon at the Tom Kelly Athletics Track brought out some outstanding results from all competing members. Starting with the track events; Damian Di Donato, Conrad Coumaros and Alex Di Medio set the track alight by recording the top three fastest times...

2014/15 Shield Round 1 – Tom Kelly Athletics Track

The start of the 2014 Summer Season kicked off at the newly named Tom Kelly Athletics Track over the weekend with some hot performances from Doncaster athletes to properly christen the resurfaced track. Wes Spargo began his season in the best of form by recording the...

Tom Kelly Athletics Track Celebratory Ball

Tom Kelly Athletics Track Celebratory Ball In recognition to the endless amounts of hours Tom Kelly gave to athletes around Australia especially to those apart of the Box Hill and Doncaster Athletic Clubs; the Rieschiecks Reserve Athletics Track will be renamed in...