Cross Country is not far away (see below) and a quick track update is also below.

Registrations are open for the 2022/23 season and Athletics Victoria (AV) have moved to a new registration system for members to renew. 

Revolutionise Sport have been engaged by AV to provide a new, more user-friendly system for our members to register for the season ahead. The old AV portal has been deactivated and is no longer accessible. 

In order to renew your DAC membership for the coming season, please follow these steps: 

Step 1: Follow the link and click ‘Join Doncaster Athletic Club’

Step 2: When the page loads, click the blue box with ‘Returning member’ on it

Step 3: Fill in your primary details (National Member ID is left blank)

Step 4: Enter your email address, the site will send an email to your inbox with a link, follow the link to proceed to the next step

Step 5: Select membership type (package deals can be purchased at a later date)

Step 6: Purchase summary, if satisfied, click ‘next step’

Step 7: Fill in contact details

Step 8: Confirm details then pay registration 

If you have any questions/queries or are having any difficulties, please contact our registrar, David Mitchell ( or 0456366046) 

Cross Country Round 1 

The first round of the 2022 Cross Country season commences on Saturday 7th of May at Jells Park. 

AV have released the provisional timetable and gradings which can be found here: 

Provisionally, our Open Women will compete in Division 3 this season while our Open Men will have two teams, one in Premier Division and the other in Division 5. Underage/Masters teams are not graded and will compete in their respective age groups. 

If you would like further information about the Cross Country season, want to express your interest in competing, or are interested in becoming an age group team manager, please contact our winter coordinator, Matt Christy ( 

If you require new uniform for the season, please contact our uniform coordinator, Alessia Wynne (0473359747) 

Track update

We would also like to update you on the track upgrade.

We are pleased to report that the new rubberised surface has been laid on the track and we will now be waiting several weeks for the surface to set and the line marking to take place. Council have also used the works as an opportunity to undertake drainage improvement works on the infield and around the track facility. 

At this stage, we remain on target for the track to be open sometime in May. However, no exact date has been provided by the contractors.

Once a date has been set, we will communicate this to our members.